Election Information

I want to thank everyone who took advantage of the early voting we held. Over 130 people took advantage of the early voting.
Tomorrow is Election Day with polls opening at 7 a.m. and closing at 8 p.m. Please have your photo ID with you. Even though we may know you, this is a requirement of State Law.
Also, if you need to register, have your Photo ID and a Proof of Residence document such as a bank statement, utility bill, etc.

Notice:  The time has passed to register using the mail.

You will need to come into our office and fill out the forms.

Be sure to bring Photo ID and Proof of Residence



El-131 Voter Registration App_Fillable- (REV 2020-06)_0

EL-121 Application for Absentee Ballot (2020-06)-Fillable_0-3


You can register to vote, request an absentee ballot and observe your ballot at My Vote WI 

Polling Place:  Alma City Hall
314 North Main Street
Alma, WI  54610-0277

Poll Hours:              7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Instructions for an absentee ballot: